Residency Permit
For stays longer than 90 days, you must obtain a residency permit, even if your is valid for a longer term.
To obtain the residency permit, follow the steps below:
- Fill out the form available at: https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/sismigra-internet/faces/publico/tipoSolicitacao/permanenciaRegistroEmissaoCie.seam
- The “Ocupação Principal" (Main Occupation) field must be filled in with “930 - ESTUDANTE" (STUDENT);
- The “Filiação" (Affiliation) fields refer to the names of your mother and father;
The first and second screen must have all mandatory fields filled in. The third screen must have your home address in Brazil and UFG's.
In the “Endereço Comercial / Instituição de Ensino" (Business Address / Educational Institution) field, enter the following information:
- CEP (ZIP code): 74690-900
- Telefone Comercial (Business phone): 6235211274
Issue the payment fee on the website: https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/gru2/gru?nac=1&rec=9
- In the "Código Receita STN" field place the number 140120.
The payment amount is R$204.77 and can be paid at any bank, online or in person. Remember to keep the payment document and proof of payment.
Send the following documents to the International Relations Secretariat via email mobilidade.sri@ufg.br:
- Form from the previous point signed;
- Document for payment;
- Payment voucher;
- Signed declaration of residency: https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br/assuntos/imigracao/declaracoes-e-formularios/declaracao-eletronica-e-demais-meios-de-contato.pdf
After completing these steps, the International Relations Secretariat will forward your documentation to the Federal Police and will send you an email with the next steps.
This permission is also a form of identification. When the process is completed, you will have a National Migration Registry Card (Cartão de Registro Nacional Migratório), simliar to the one in the image bellow:
Categorias: campus life