How to complete your Registration in the University
Your enrollment at UFG will be done automatically after submitting all your basic documents (passport, visa and health insurance) and arriving in Brazil. We will send you by email about your registration number.
After registration, it is important that your advisor enrolls you in your subjects/classes, so that your registration/enrollment is ACTIVE and you have full access to UFG's features.
Once your registration is ACTIVE, you can create your "LOGIN ÚNICO" and access all UFG systems and functionalities. With your Login Único you can enter the Sistem for Students called SIGAA. This sistem is very important to consulte your registration number, the classes you are enrolled in, your grades etc. With your Registration Number you will have access to the University Cafeteria. To do this, you can follow these instructions: https://cercomp.ufg.br/p/39103-tutorial-criar-login-unico.
UFG WI-FI (eduroam):
After creating your Login Único, you will be able to access UFG's Wi-Fi anywhere at the University and at the Student House. To do this, you can follow the instructions: https://cercomp.ufg.br/p/38803-tutorial-eduroam
Categories: campus life