Health Services
The public health system in Brazil is universal, known as SUS (Sitema Único de Saúde - Health Unic System). This means that anyone, even migrants, can use it if necessary. However, the purchase of health insurance is mandatory for your period at UFG.
The purchase of health insurance is mandatory for your period at UFG. Therefore, you must know the conditions of your insurance to have access to the private network of doctors and establishments. You can check doctors and hospitals near you through Google/Google Maps and the Regional Medicine Council website: https://www.cremego.org.br/busca-medicos/ or https://www.cremego.org .br/search-por-establishes-de-saude/.
The public health system in Brazil is universal, which means that anyone, even migrants, can use it if necessary. To gain access, all you need is your passport and National Health Card. The issuance of this document is free and can be done online: https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/acesso-a -information/actions-and-programs/cns.
The list of hospitals and care centers in the public network is extensive and you can check the instructions and locations on the website of the State Department of Health of the State of Goiás: https://www.saude.go.gov.br/estrutura/ hospitals-and-polyclinics.
Several free vaccines are offered at the UFG's College of Nursing. You can find more informations and business hours in this link:https://fen.ufg.br/n/170432-sala-de-vacinas-da-faculdade-de-enfermagem-retorna-com-as-vacinas-de-rotina-nesta-proxima-segunda-feira
UFG has an hospital called Hospital das Clínicas (Clinical Hospital) wich provides medical service free of charge and it's located in Setor Universitário (https://g.co/kgs/mjmV8m9).
Categorías: campus life